Legal Matters


Please read the following carefully before placing an order, failure to do so does not absolve you of your responsibility. Kent Graphics (a web entity) retains the copyright to all designs and custom-made graphics; they may not be sold or redistributed without the rights being purchased or by written permission. Neither may the graphics be used as part of an online collection or a CD ROM collection. Do not state or imply they were created by you or any company or organization.

Any of our graphics may not be used in conjunction with any other artist’s work. The sites must remain as is and cannot be broken into individual graphics and sold or re-distributed in any way.

Images may not be changed except for the addition of text to buttons and headers. Do not change sizes, colors, or crop the images in any way. You may however move the images on the page sets to wherever on your page you feel the image best suits your page design. You will need a text editor to make the changes to the text.

We will consider an image within our site linked to as bandwidth theft, an illegal activity, and consider reporting it to the proper authorities and/or your ISP or web host. Please be aware that we employ tracker software.

We do not give permission for any of our graphics or web sign designs (even exclusive licensed layouts) to be used on sites that promote hate, illegal activities, threats or spam. These include sites which slur gender, sexual orientation, ethnic backgrounds, or religious beliefs. We also do not give permission for our graphics to be used on sites which promote child or animal endangerment or pornography.

When Hiring KG: Corrections or changes initiated by the client, which are further or contrary to an approved design, or constitute a material change of design, will not be considered as part of the original agreement or quote, but will be an amendment to that agreement and the changes will be charged on a per hour basis. The charges do not necessarily have to be stated before they are considered part of the new agreement. The client must know that changes will be charged to them.

Some jobs, usually dependent on the size, or length of time it will take to complete, may require a deposit before work is begun. The client will be notified at the time of quotation if this is a requirement, and the amount of deposit required.

We do not guarantee our files, or CD’s and are not responsible and hold ourselves blameless for any damage to your computer or files or peripherals in their downloading or opening any file. We do not guarantee or warranty their results, or stability or constant availability. We have the right to change or remove these graphics are our discretion. These graphics are totally as is and use of them is at your own risk. Opening these files, either via download, email or CD is solely at your own risk and you assume all risks to your computer and peripherals.

We do not guarantee the results of any search engine placement or ranking of any of our designs.

The client is responsible for obtaining their own web hosting service, email account and domain name, unless it is an agreed upon add-on. Therefore, please note, that the prices quoted do not automatically include these services.

We offer no guarantee, implied or stated that the search engines we upload your site to, accepts your submission. The search engine companies work with their own criteria that we have no control over We also have no control over how long it may take your site to appear if you are accepted. We also offer no guarantee of your placement or ranking on the search engines when using our placement service.

Printed material does not include the cost of printing unless stated in writing within the agreement. The quotation supplied is for the design of the material, EXCLUDING printing and material costs, such as paper, binding and delivery. A design will be sent you via email and a CD will be shipped to you only if stated in our agreement, or upon request.

We do not guarantee the results of our marketing or promotion services.

Canadian taxes are not included in the quoted price.

Full payment is due upon completion of the project, or upon delivery of the printed matter template and/or corollary pages (if applicable to that design). Payment is via PayPal, eTransfer or check (cheque) or with most major credit cards (through our secure payment gateway – PayPal). Contact us for payment details. If a check (cheque) is issued, we will await clearance of the monies to our bank before we consider your financial obligation discharged. Payment and quotations are in U.S. Dollars. We only accept money orders, bank drafts or certified checks (cheques) drawn on Canadian or United States banks. All international orders must pay through PayPal please.

When a price is quoted, that price remains in effect for 15 days from the date on the quotation. After that, the offer is considered null and void, and without merit.

We retain the right to terminate any agreement for just cause before job completion. If this should happen, the client will be reimbursed any monies they have paid, less actual costs incurred by us, including our time already spent.

If a client cancels work before completion, they will be charged for all time and costs already applied to their particular job and the deposit returned, less any funds we incurred for your project.

Prices are subject to change without notice.

Your agreement with PayPal is between you and that firm and has nothing whatsoever to do with Kent Graphics. If you have an issue about your payment or security issues, please contact them directly.

If you have an issue about our invoice for work completed, please contact us before sending us payment.

Kent Graphics is our registered domain name and the web entity under which we are found on the world wide web. We are not a registered company in any province or country under that legal name and do not bill or invoice under that name. Complete invoicing and payment information will be supplied at time of sale. Where the name Kent Graphics is used on this site, it is to designate our web presence, not a company venture under that name.

If you have questions about any of the above, please contact KG.

You need us!

Web, social media, print work. We do it all.

Web Design & Development

A website's purpose is the functional and attractive delivery of information to your target audience via the internet.


Identity Creation

Print based, identity branding and custom graphic design. Including Social Media. A brand identity is a crucial aspect of your business, and it's important to get it right.

Contact KG

Kent Graphics

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Hours:  9 – 4 (EST)

Closed all Canadian Statutory Holidays.

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Hours: 9 to 4 EST.
Closed Canadian Statutory Holidays

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